A national network
An Educational Marine Area (AME) is a small coastal marine area that is managed in a participatory manner by the pupils and teachers of a primary school according to principles defined by a charter. It is an educational project for knowledge and protection of the marine environment, but also for citizenship. At present, there are 160 marine areas and 50 educational land areas in France (mainland and overseas).
The students are in charge
Three classes of CM1 and CM2 (9 to 11 years old) are involved in the project. At the end of 2018, the pupils chose the location of the AME according to several criteria: accessibility (especially for the disabled as one pupil is in a wheelchair), proximity to the school, safety and heritage interest (natural and cultural). Thus, they chose the Oli beach, in the commune of Port-Vendres, accessible in 20 minutes on foot from the school. The AME is part of the Natural Marine Park of the Gulf of Lion.

Outside and inside!
Nostra Mar is the reference structure of the AME of Port-Vendres. It coordinates the project with the 3 teachers and the school principal. At the same time, it animates most of the sessions in class and on the AME. Topics such as biodiversity, plastic pollution, human activities and maritime culture are discussed. At the end of the year, the pupils usually discover their AME on a snorkeling trip. A real treat for everyone!
En fin d’année, généralement, les élèves découvrent leur AME en randonnée palmée. Un vrai régal pour tout le monde !